Thursday, September 13, 2012

So My Thoughts For Today...

The Historic Liturgy - Issues Etc. internet radio program
I've been listening to a great series on Issues Etc. that is on the liturgy that we use in our church still and which has been used for centuries. It is fascinating to hear from Pastor Weedon the details about the different parts of the liturgy. Why each part is important and where it came from historically. If you are at all curious about what the liturgy is and why churches such as the Lutheran church has held onto it look up the series on The Historic Liturgy on Issues Etc. Thanks Pastor Weedon and Pastor Wilken for this series!

In my opinion a church service with the liturgy and wonderful hymnody is much more meaningful than a service without it. And I am one of those who gets irritated when the wording gets changed because I don't comprehend what it is saying as well when the words are changed.

Thoughts on becoming a new mom
In about 4 months time I will be a new mom. I'm guessing most in my situation have fears about not doing enough in terms of the right foods and enough exercise for the baby to grow properly inside me. I find myself relying on prayer and God to take care of this baby since He is there and knows exactly how the pregnancy is progressing. I want nothing more than to have a healthy baby when it is born and I get to meet this new person. I also expect that most moms have a great sense of excitement about the changes happening and about the months to come when baby born and starting to grow up. It is wonderfully exciting!

Time on my hands
Is it true that the more time you have the less you do with it and the less free time you have the more you want to do and don't have time for? It seems so for me. For the first time I am, by choice, not working or going to school. I am working on two cross stich/embroidery projects. One of which I want to have done in one month's time. I have also started on making Christmas cards, and there are some scrapbook projects I can be working on too. My goal for the next little while is to get into a routine of making these projects a priority.

I have also taken on a hobby of cooking and baking. We've gotta eat so we might as well enjoy what we are eating to the best of my ability to cook it. :) I made some delicious zucchini bread this fall with zucchini given to me from someone's garden. Mmmm. One new recipe a week would probably be a good goal!

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