Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Sometimes I wish that I looked mature rather than young. I remember that growing up I always looked younger than my age. Now that I'm in my twenties people older than me tend assume certain things of the "young" people, like me. Things like inexperienced, knowing little, single or with a not married partner, immature, don't make smart choices, and probably others. While some of these might be true, I don't always make smart choices for example, it would be nice to not give off these impressions with my looks or age.

Yesterday Tim and I were told that we seemed too young to be married. Once she found out how old we are she reasoned her statement with the fact that a growing number of people are waiting till their thirties to get married and many don't get married but just live common law. Somehow her comment made me think about how we come across and why people make assumptions.

Most of the people I can think of that are married and in their twenties are Christian and therefore have the Bible as their foundation setting the rules and morals for life.

Maybe if I didn't look so young I would also be taken seriously more often too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Awesome things

I found a new blog yesterday. www.1000awesomethings.com. If you don't know it you may want to check it out. This guy started writing about the little positive or enjoyable things in life that we take for granted. Or the things that we can appreciate if we are aware of them. Things like clean, warm sheets right out of the dryer. I personally love having clean sheets and clean pjs on the same day! There are so many little joys we can see in each day. And we can give the glory to God for these things. That's one of the best parts for me. When you're having a low day, when you can't quite get out of a sad mood noticing the little joys around you can help. Or reading something from this blog of awesome things can too!

Neil Pasricha who writes this blog says that the Three A's of Awesome are Attitude, Awareness and Authenticity. Having a positive attitude that does not focus on the sad things but on positive things. Awareness to notice your surroundings and I would think especially the details. Authenticity to be true to who you are and be ok with that.

I think I agree with this and would add from a Christian standpoint that God made us who we are and we can strive to live that way. God created all the blessings and joys around us. They are gifts from God for us to notice and enjoy. And God gives us the strength to have a right attitude. A self-less attitude of love for others and an attitude to do God's will.

Whether you credit the awesomeness around you to God or not it is still a joy to notice these things and enjoy them!