Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas cards

I'm busy making Christmas cards and thankful that my gift buying is almost completed! :)Thinking ahead to decorating the house a little and baking some too. I love this time of year. Lots of joy, laughter, love and giving. Family, friends and Christmas church services. All brings joy to my life.

Joy is something I strive to find in every day and can only find through the gift of Jesus my Saviour. Rejoice for our Living God is among us even now and will come back to take us to heaven to live with him forever!!

Best news ever!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is a warning for those using AVG antivirus software. It can be corrupted by viruses apparently and then disable your computer to the point of needing to reinstall windows and start from scratch again.

This unfortunate situation happened to me a couple weeks ago and I have now reinstalled windows and as you might have guessed I am not using AVG again.

Thankfully my computer was not a write off like I thought it was. :) And I have it back up and running now. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010


November is proving to be a tough month. Maybe it's that I'm working 5 days a week, but more likely that I don't have two days off in a row. Maybe it's that all of our evenings are taken up and short. Maybe it's just my attitude. Maybe it's something else but I feel like I'm just managing to do everything that needs to be done at home and I would rather waste my time doing other things.

Maybe I've been spoiled in the past with time and now have to face reality. Well, we're half way through November and I'm hoping for a better December. At least I have Christmas holidays to look forward to.

Oh boy, that's not very uplifting or positive sounding. I pray that God would help me see joy in every day and to remember God in every situation.

"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18