Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Time 2009

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. I know many people get bogged down with all the details to take care of. Perhaps if I was hosting a Christmas party or dinner I would feel more like that. But as it is I'm not hosting anything and I just love Christmas. I like shopping for Christmas presants. I love the Christmas music that I get to hear for a whole month! I enjoy all the anticipation in and out of the church. In church there is advent and out of church there is the preparations of baking, shopping, plans and everything else. I get to wonder every year if we'll have a white Christmas. Where I'm living now there is usually snow long before Christmas so a green Christmas would be unusual but where I'm from it's always been a toss up. More often than not it snows a little on Christmas or there is lots of ice on the roads which makes for treacherous driving.

Every family has their traditions at Christmas time. One of ours is watching White Christmas. This year I'll miss seeing my family and it might break my heart. I'm also missing the extended family Christmas dinner for the 2nd year in a row. :( But I'll still get to celebrate Christmas with family who love me as their in-law. :) For this I am grateful. I'll get to have a Christmas adventure with different traditions and it will still be a great celebration.

But wherever I am on Christmas and however I'm celebrating I can remember the real reason to celebrate and that's really what matters. That reason is Jesus' birth. Jesus' incarnation where God became a man and dwelt among us. The miracle of a virgin birth and the beginning the life of Jesus who lived a sinless life and then received the punishment of death for all the sins of all the world.

What a reason to celebrate! :) Lets all remember Jesus and the miracle of his birth this Christmas.