Friday, August 6, 2010

Settling In

So I've worked for one week so far. I like my job. It's not something I've done before but I'm enjoying it. And being introduced to fresh bread is definitely one of the perks. You should all help out your local bakery and buy fresh bread sometimes. It's good stuff. I've learned that if you freeze fresh bread all you have to do to use it is take out a couple peices of bread for your sandwich or toast of whatever. Leave it on the counter for 3 minutes and it's thawed. Pretty cool :)

There's something about changing your licence plates from Alberta to BC that makes it feel official. We are residing in BC! It makes me ponder the fact that while our car had to be switched to BC plates, our health care could remain with Alberta Health for the year we are here. Alberta Health Care considers us a student even though we are out of province. But for the car ICBC does not allow us to get student perks because while we are in BC Tim is not studying at a school in BC he is studying at a school in Alberta. Therefore the ability to keep keep our AB plates was not an option.

Thankfully the inspection went well. We did replace our tires but we already knew they needed to be done. Now the car is working much better!