Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shine God's Light

A couple of verses that I thought worthy of sharing as I was reading Philippians Chapter 2 last night. Good things to remember in daily life.

3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing

If we grumble or act selfishly, thinking of ourselves better than others then we are not living our life in the way that the Bible says to. We are not shining God's light in the world but rather are putting God's Word in a bad light by our words and actions. Shine God's light by thinking of others and not grumbling today.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quadra Island

10 minutes away by ferry from Campbell River is Quadra Island. A nice place to go for hiking and picnicking.
This picture is taken from the east side of Quadra Island looking at the rocky mountains.

A fun pic of Tim and me and a big tree.

Apparently one of the only lighthouses in BC that you can access by a road. Which we did....obviously.

On the west side of Quadra Island you can see Campbell River. Yes...there is snow on those roofs. It's February.

See how close Campbell River is to the mountains on the Island? But I don't know which peak that one is. Anyone know?

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I believe you would say that Lent is a time to ponder the reason that Jesus came to earth. The pain and suffering Jesus went through so that we can be saved. To reflect on the great sacrifice and remember that the reason that was necessary was that we are all poor miserable sinners. This lent I am attempting to read my Bible instead of other books as I normally would. I've decided to focus on the early Christians we learn about in Paul's letters.

It is a big deal to think that those believers were hearing this for the first time. Without much to prove it right, or written documents to back it up. Jesus resurrection and existence was the news of the day. To some of those of the day the Christian's news probably sounded like the new fad that wouldn't last, or the some crazy religion.

Maybe it's not much different today but I think at least in the Western countries most people have at least heard of Jesus and we have the Bible, written word about Jesus, that is from hundreds of years ago. This is not just the news, or the new fad, but the real truth. Jesus did die and rise again to save us from our sin. And if we believe that Jesus will take us to heaven to live with him forever when we leave this earth!! :)

Believe it and live!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Today on this beautiful sunny day I read in my bible about Jesus being the light to the world. What a beautiful picture, light that shines in every corner of our lives. I've also heard it said that we are children of the light. Isn't that so true. I don't know about you but I am happiest, have more energy and are more willing to get outside and do things when the sun is shining. It's like a great big element of our world that we could not do without in the least. In the same way Jesus is a light we can not live without. Things usually tend to fall into place better when we trust God to lead the way. Without Jesus we have little purpose in life. But with Jesus we know that we should spread God's Word, and be there for our neighbours in any way we can. Of course we all fail at this daily because we are sinners and can not help that. But through God all things are possible and he will work in us to do good. So for now we can imagine the light of Christ in this world and know that he is here with us always. We can see the sunlight and be reminded of Christ. And we can look forward to the brilliance that we will see in heaven. For the bible says that the heavens are filled with the light of God.